Farewell Message from Toney and Darlene
Well, Laydees and Gentledogs - that just about wraps things up. I'm dead on my feet, and just a little worse the wear for drink. I do hope Little Mo understands. Anyway, I think my Mom wants to say a few words, so I'll hand you over to her and take my leave of you.
Thanks for coming. Your pal, Toney.
Hi Darlene here to say this has been the most wonderful year ever!!!!!! All of the wonderful friends that we have met and talked to on Google talk. You are the most wonderful people in the world. You have made my life complete because of Doggy Snaps. I want to thank everyone who has contributed to this marvelous day. Many many thanks to all the help that Paul and Jacky have done to make this blog possible. I also want to thank many of you that have made pictures and joined in on the fun. We have made so many friends and lost many friends to Rainbow Bridge that I would love to dedicate this to all of our Angels that a sorely missed. May God Bless everyone and hope you have enjoyed this day as much as we have. Toney and Sparkey also add keep those tails a waggin!!!!!!!!!You Pal Darlene xxxxxx♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
PS. Don't forget to leave a message in the DS Forum
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List Of Contents (you can use this to go to your favourite bits. You then need to scroll down)
- 0) Angela's Video of the Carnival
- A) Welcome Message from Toney
- B) Circus - Part One (Zeea, Trevor, Milo & Macky)
- C) Photo Gallery One
- D) Circus - Part Two (Harry & Oscar, Sparkey, Shadow, Bella & Holly)
- E) Send In The Clowns!
- F) Circus - Part Three (Trevor, Little Mo, Buster, Molly, Jackson & Kia, Pooka & Jed, Henrie & Henrietta)
- G) Photo Gallery Two
- H) Circus - The Grand Finale (Zeea again)
- I) Farewell Message from Toney and Darlene
- J) Leave a message on DoggySnaps Forum